Darrein Safron: St. Louis Native Stepping Forward in the R&B Genre

Darrein Safron’s R&B voice is on full display in his new project The Brilliant EP that dropped earlier this week. The tone of the EP is a mix of The Weeknd with some hip-hop twists that keep the listener engaged with the music. There are seven songs including “Bad Gurl” that translated into a dark, sensual music video also released this week. Safron’s St. Louis roots are grounded in the video’s city background. Recently signed on to Tech N9ne’s label, Tech N9ne features on the first song “All for You” that brings some of the gritty rap essence to an otherwise smooth R&B EP.

“That Me” featuring Seven Stevens is a highlight on the EP; the rhythm of the song is unique and playful, sounding like a techno carnival. The chorus is catchy as Safron repeatedly sings, “That me, baby.” It brings a different tone to his higher-pitched voice due to the fun backbeats that carry throughout the verses and the chorus. Safron’s tempo also increases and decreases through the song, flirting with the line of light rap/hip-hop that is an enjoyable switch up from the normal R&B vibe. Seven Stevens puts the song’s rap side into full force with his feature, creating a song that has potential for a great club song or car ride listen. 

“Thank U’s” is another notable song on the EP with a very different reasoning in contrast to the partying, girl-oriented themes of the other songs. He thanks his city in the beginning, “I like to thank everybody, St. Louis for my upbringing…” It’s a slowed tempo compared to other tracks as the R&B artist lists names of those he thanks, concluding he can’t thank everyone he needs to because it’d take too long. It is a softened, warm ending to his EP that leaves the listener feeling content that Safron knows his fortune and the essence of hard work. He also drops hints for a mixtape and album coming soon – creating a personal promotion within a song. It’s a hint of smart PR work cocooned in an appreciative lyrical package in “Thank U’s.”